Monday 28 July 2014

Nationalist Agitators Terrorise Scots

As Alistair Darling was stating in the Scotsman that the Nationalists would become increasingly desperate in the weeks leading up to the referendum, he wasn’t joking, although it is probably worth expanding on the type of desperate measures that they will take to bully their way to a Yes vote.

While the more streetwise unionist may be able to read between the lines, I’d say that the upcoming referendum is far too important to dance around the edges of what needs said, so here’s my plain English interpretation of Darling’s message, with the added bonus of my own warnings from personal experience, and experiences of other unionists.

-You will be lied to. OK, many of you will say that’s nothing new, but you should take absolutely everything with a pinch of salt, and double check any assertion made by any nationalist.

-Do not assume that “cybernats” are an out of control minority of extremists that the SNP have zero connection to. While the most offensive of the apparently full time agitators are a small number, a surprising number of SNP MSPs and councillors have little or no decorum online (including John Mason and John Menzies), and the party itself does little to distance itself from agitators such as Wings over Scotland’s Stuart Campbell, or Chris Darroch.

-If you have a paid job, and are openly unionist and pro active in debate and discussion on social media, such as Facebook or Twitter, some of the more hate filled nationalists are trolling personal information, and will have no issues with threatening yourself or your family. They are contacting employers. Just last night one well known Unionist on Twitter was thrown to the wolves by a nationalist who published said unionist’s employment information, with a plea for his twitter followers to contact the employer
You will probably find that those cyber bullies either do not have obvious employment, and are either “self employed”, or are mysteriously funded. You should be very careful with your personal data across all social media and networking websites. Don’t let any bully try and force you out of employment.

-As seen in the protest against the BBC on Sunday, the bullies and agitators have moved on from unionists to neutrals or undecideds. Apparently, because the BBC has the audacity to use some English presenters on its network coverage of the Commonwealth Games, and hasn’t fully jumped in to the Yes camp it is biased. Normal people will see that the BBC is a British organisation, with hundreds of Clyde based employees at risk from an iScotland, and it’s presenters and guests on the Games showcasing Glasgow to the world in a manner we should all be proud of. So, the agitators will try and bully broadcasters to be less neutral and less likely to tell you the truth. Heaven forbid the BBC make Glasgow look welcoming and progressive. Perhaps the extremist bullies would rather the event be held in a nationalist stronghold* and broadcast by STV to 3 men and a dug.

-While you may play along with the spirit of not politicising Commonwealth events, don’t be surprised when numbers of attendees are mysteriously seen circulating around events wearing not just Yes attire, but Saltires adorned by Yes.

If you do find yourself the victim of cyberbullying, real bullying and intimidation, or vandalism, please do not suffer in silence. Shout it from the rooftops.
If you don’t know how, contact me, and I will assist.

*I would name a stronghold, but there isn’t one. The nats have a real hatred for Glasgow as it is seen as a Unionist stronghold, but cities such as Aberdeen and Edinburgh are not nationalist hotspots either. Notably, the three cities of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen are Scotland’s most diverse, and Scotland’s financial powerhouses.


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