Wednesday 27 August 2014

Scotland's Weak or Unwilling Media

One of the greatest disappointments in this referendum campaign has been the unquestioning attitude of the mainstream media to challenge the propaganda from the Yes campaign.
I’ll be clear, that this means the BBC, STV, The Daily Record and The Sun, who command the largest audiences and circulation figures.

The BBC have been accused by both sides of being biased, when it’s probably more accurate to say that they are just weak, hopeless and wringing their hands of any controversy, despite a large percentage of them probably at risk of redundancy in an Independent Scotland, and working for a UK wide organisation. Glen Campbell’s weak performance during the BBC TV debate is a great representation of an organisation in Scotland that has no direction or idea how to conduct itself.

STV’s referendum coverage has been particularly slanted, with an appearance on Scotland Decides on Monday night by the notoriously extreme owner of Wings over Scotland. Legitimising his views is unacceptable, and one wonders if the management of STV are hoping that they can become the national broadcaster rather than the SBS, in the event of a Yes vote.

With the Sun being owned by right wing Rupert Murdoch, it’s a relationship that the SNP aren’t shouting from the rooftops about, given their recent overtures to the Scottish left

It seems the refusal the Sun to back the Yes campaign outright is in tune with a historical tendency of the Sun to try and reflect public opinion rather than shape it. After all, it’s a commercial operation.

So, the Sun has remained neutral so far ,and hasn’t wished to rock the boat for either side

That leaves the Daily Record, who, as a traditional Labour newspaper would be expected to reflect the views of labour voters. Instead it comes across as confused and contradictory, with reasonable coverage from David Clegg countered by aggressive and provocative propaganda from disgraced SNP politician Joan McAlpine.

While any Government or newspaper of integrity would have kicked her out after that affair, these two organisations continue to allow her a platform to abuse and denigrate non nationalists in this country.

Her rhetoric has previously accused non nationalists of being Anti Scottish and today’s column suggests that the No campaign is well named because it “has no plan..strategy..ambition”, before launching in to a load of waffle about how a Yes vote will generate 27,000 jobs, while deftly avoiding the fact that 600,000 jobs in Scotland depend on UK trade, or that the UK defence orders provide work for upwards of 12,000 skilled engineers and workers.

The Yes case is largely built on waffle, emotion and hatred, and those responsible for the campaign have probably set back the cause of Independence for a generation. Lessons have not been learned during this process with regards to tone, and the real need for solid promises and solid financial information. Dishonesty, aggression and ambiguity above all else have turned many voters off.

It is astonishing, but not unexpected, that such comment is unchallenged, from a media who have expressed mock anger over many years about “Old Firm” troubles, while deliberately stirring it up.

There are mixed messages from the No campaign suggesting that, while a No vote will guarantee further devolution, the Westminster government will have to assert at least some level of leadership in Scotland to try and build the bridges that have been burned by the extremists within the Yes camp ,while also reminding us that many key decisions are made at Westminster, such as defence and foreign policy.

The building of bridges will be very important, and one should not underestimate how dignified the No campaign have been, while the opposite has been true of the Yes campaign.

The sight of Jim Murphy MP being shouted down and abused on his 100 Streets campaign by nationalist rent a mobs opposed to democratic free speech has been shocking, and should have been front page news to shame the nationalists to reign the mob in. Instead the hatred of the mob is there for all to see, and the Yes campaign are not discouraging it, or the people involved.

Until we have someone in the mainstream with the kahunas to ridicule this kind of small minded paranoia in Scotland, the 19th of September will not be the end of the division, but just another date in the calendar.

That is not a parody, or satire. That is real.

There needs to be a shift in mindset after the referendum, no matter what way the vote goes, as the lack of control and the irresponsible rhetoric of some is stirring something quite distasteful here that may well evolve in to something akin to civil unrest, from both sides.

The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is the presence of Irish Republicanism within the Yes campaign. Those that deny it or dismiss it are either misleading us, grossly naïve over what is going on, or in denial.

The support of many associated to Celtic’s Green Brigade, aswell as prominent republicans like Angela Haggerty and Jeanette Findlay, should indicate that the Yes campaign has, at the very least, been infiltrated by IRA Supporters wishing to destroy the union.

Support for Yes is also being shown within IRA pub “The Rock” in Belfast

I don’t believe that the conduct of the Yes activists over the last few months, and the support of Irish republicans, is a coincidence.

It is the responsibility of our political leaders to step in and remind all that this is a civilised country not a rabble, and they should look to the agitators first, unless they actually wish Scotland to be divided.


I note that Celtic fans’ depression today after being knocked out of the Champions League for the second time in a month is being lifted by HMRC announcing that they will lodge another appeal against the Upper Tier Tribunal judgement on the EBT scheme operated by David Murray on behalf of Rangers’ former holding company.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.


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