Thursday 13 December 2012

Hands Across The Water

As Protestant unionists in Ulster have expressed their frustration at being marginalised and treated like second class citizens in their own country, the lack of interest for the rioters back story in mainland UK has been deeply upsetting. That’s not to say rioting should be condoned, but this is a society on the mainland that agonised over the reasons for the 2011 England riots, where there was no good reason.

Do Gooders blamed the 2011 riots on Economic decline, the breakdown of social morality, a failure of the state to engage with the lower classes and classism, and blamed the right wing government for creating a society that left young people feeling angered and frustrated, despite absolutely no evidence to support this.

Other than the unionist community itself, which has also condemned the Belfast Riots, this distinct lack of interest from the mainland in the deep seated reasons for the disenfranchisement and disillusionment of the Protestant people who are under siege and under oppression is shameful.

Those do gooders and guardianistas of 2011 London or Salford are absent without leave when it comes to  trying to explain root causes behind the latest outburst of frustration in Belfast.

Let’s be clear, Belfast City Council’s decision to limit flying of the national flag is an outrage, and unionists have every right to feel angered.

Belfast now sits curiously as one of the only cities on the planet that does not fly its national flag 365 days a year.

The Protestant people of Ulster simply feel that they are being marginalised by Republican murderers and terrorists who are being allowed free reign by a liberal party in the alliance to do so.

The flag issue is just a symptom of a larger set of issues that are affecting the Ulster people, with the main political parties seeming absolutely clueless as to how to defend their people.

Like the position here in Scotland, as the Protestant people’s political beliefs have largely become more moderate and mainstream over the last 20 years, the Catholic population has done the opposite.
Where a Catholic voter in Ulster may have been repulsed by Sinn Fein 20 years ago, they are now voting for those murderers and terrorists who tell us all they were never terrorists and are just politicians.

These voters who have switched affiliations look to have been manipulated by the best propagandists on the planet.

Unionist parties on the periphery, such as the TUV and the PUP are supporting their people and championing the issues that the Protestant people have, but they have much to do before they can exert the kind of influence that unionists and Protestants deserve

These people do not deserve to have terrorists and murderers run their country, then moralise to them.

I believe they have underestimated the will of the Republican community to wipe them from Ulster and separate the Six Counties from the UK.
They have simply changed tack from murdering and bombing to agitating, provoking and demeaning the Unionist people, and it’s time that the Unionist Community recognised what is going on, and ended their various rivalries to defend their community from extinction. Together.

While I have many readers in Ulster, most are based in Scotland, and many of those readers, sadly will be wondering what this has to do with them.
It’s this apathy and lack of support that has left our brethren exposed in Ulster, and will ultimately lead to the Protestant community being subject to the very same marginalisation in Scotland.

In fact, it’s happening already, and our media are ignoring it, as it is riddled with Scottish Republicans and nationalists.
In Glasgow too have been naïve and unprepared to deal with a collective who wishes to control everything in our wee country, and most probably do already.

We should have more to be ashamed of, as the Protestant people have a large majority in the west of Scotland, but we keep voting for people who hate us.

While the Protestant people have been sleeping, the most influential positions in national government, local government, law and media have been filled by Anti English and Anti protestant sectarian bigots.

While the only grouping who have slowly started recognising certain agendas are Rangers supporters fighting for their club, the unionists within that support, along with other unionists across Scotland, need to also step up to defend the Union before it’s too late.

It’s either that, or we as a people face extinction.


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