Tuesday 23 October 2012

Fight For The Future

As the fight for Scotland’s future heats up, with both the SNP Separatist campaign and the “better together” campaign starting up in earnest, it seems clear to me that the Scottish people are going to be subject to a relentless stream of “information” over the next two years, with vast sums of money spent by the various political parties to grab the hearts and minds of the populace in Scotland, in order to secure the necessary support for their side.

“Side” may be a strong word for us Scots, and many will still be counted as swing voters still sitting on the fence, but there has already been some deliberate polarisation of the unionist community, with prominent Nat Joan McAlpine, already questioning Unionist Scots credentials as true Scots, on more than one occasion.

Her claim that supporters and members of every mainstream political party other than the SNP are “Anti Scottish” resulted in calls for her resignation


Notably, McAlpine is still in position, so we can therefor safely assume that her views are not out of sync with Alex Salmond’s. After all, if they were, she’d have been publicly dressed down or sacked.

So, like it or not, Scots will be forced in to a side at some point over the next two years, and the media will do their best to sell newspapers or further their agenda based upon one thing, what will be best for them.

Whether you get told the truth will be another matter.

You also can’t assume that because a newspaper is “English”, that it will tell you the truth.

What you should take as read, is that anything written in any News International publication, should not be taken at face value, and should be verified elsewhere before you can trust it.
It has already been well documented elsewhere that Alex Salmond has the backing of Rupert Murdoch.

I have already noticed “The Sunday Times” publishing nationalist propaganda, yet there is still a perception out there that this is a Tory Unionist newspaper.

Murdoch’s business is to sell newspapers and ensure a right wing slant on the “news”, depending on what benefits him the most, and to manipulate the masses in to securing right wing government control
  He is also conversant with the rule of divide and conquer, and is well aware that a “yes” vote in Scotland will most likely ensure that the Labour Party in England and Wales will never get back in to power unless they become a carbon copy of the tory party.

What this tells you, is that despite the Nationalists on the ground selling themselves as a socialist alternative to the labour party of the middle ground, with the headline grabbing policies of free education, and free prescriptions, is that they are happy to use the right wing Murdoch to secure separation at any cost to both Scotland and our UK neighbours, and that many of their economic policies are decidedly right wing.

Over the next 2 years I will comment on some of these policies and public pronouncements and hope to both shed some light on information being withheld to the public, and to represent the silent unionist majority in Scotland.

As a Rangers fan I see this as a simple extension of my identity
  Other Rangers fans may disagree, but I believe that like cybernats in general, they are in the minority.

As my blog has had the tagline “Rangers rants and much more” since it’s inception, I’ve felt for a long time that I was perhaps neglecting the non Rangers content.

I’m now hoping to redress that imbalance, although I promise to comment on the Rangers topics of the time, and maintain a focus on areas I feel that I can add value and influence.

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